Hello! My name is Kateryna Kalugina. I’m a personal stylist and image consultant.

I was born in teachers family in 90th. It was a difficult time: desintegration of the USSR, incipience of new states, absence of goods in shops, deficit of everything and delay of salaries.
My parents were trying to give me the best they could, but there was not enough money to take care of our family. Of course, they cared and were economizing on themselves a lot.
I remember how difficult it was to find beautiful clothes for me and my sister. My mom was sewing, crocheting and knitting to form our taste from childhood and give us more than she had in her early years.
Although my mom is very beautiful and spectacular woman, she didn’t look as good as she could. Maybe she was shy and didn’t know how to highlight her beauty. For almost a century soviet upbringing was pushing not to stay out of the crowd. You had to be same as others, beautiful outfit was acceptable only for special occasions like wedding or birthday.
When you live long time like that you start losing perception of your attractiveness, an aim to change your life, to make yourself better or to wear beautiful clothes without a reason. You just exist as thousands of others, slowly stop dreaming and live without a twinkle in your eyes.
This image of woman who refuses her beauty, her dreams and sacrifices for the sake of the family stuck in my brain. I looked around and noticed that so many women are still acting like that. They forget about themselves, don’t pay attention to the way they look and sacrifice themselves for the future of their kids. No bright colors, no joy, just everyday chores. That’s how their life passes by.
That’s why I wanted to show first of all to my mom and the rest of the women how beautiful, attractive, unusual and unbelievable they are.
In fact beauty doesn’t cost much money if everyday step by step you pay attention to yourself. That is the reason why I decided to choose profession of personal stylist and image consultant.
Today I’m gladly sharing my knowledge and experience with other people. I’m sure even some tiny secret or advice can become the stick to change the life of a woman to the best.
I would be glad to see you as my constant readers. Leave your comments and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Let’s improve our life together and give up lack of self-trust, complexes and disbelief to your strength and beauty.
I work personally in Istanbul, on-line – worldwide