
Color analysis

Recommendation on the most advantageous colors and their combinations, taking into account natural data (no stamps, I explain your appearance in terms of color characteristics)

Color has extensive value in our life. Today you come to work at your favorite dress-and everyone showered you with compliments, and the next day you put on a new jumper – and at least 10 times heard the annoying “Are you all right?”

Why that happenes? It’s a matter of colors and shades that we choose every day for our clothes and makeup. Some give to our face radiance and the impression that we have just returned from a two-week vacation, and some give the impression of fatigue and make your skin dull and lifeless.

If you’re at least once in your life asked the question “How to determine the colors that adorn me?” – then I am pleased to invite you to a color consultation, where you will learn:

  • What colors adorn you
  • What the characteristics of your appearance have and how does this affect the selection of colors
  • What is the level of contrast image and why is it so important
  • How to combine colors in clothes
  • How to wear “not your” colors
  • What color hair fits
  • Which color to use in make up
  • How the colors you choose the affect experience

Format: 2 meetings of 30-40 minutes + recommendations in PDF-format (25 pages and many pictures )

Term: 5-7 days from payment and provision of necessary data

I work with tonal methods of color analysis but not limited to you palette 20-40-50 shades. I will share the color secret the artist uses. Because they know for sure that the person all colors fit.

There is no point to know the name of the season or type if you don’t know what to do with that. There is no point in wasting time and trying on image other people looking for the perfect color. You are unique! It’s time to open the secret of your beauty!

«Basic color analysis»

  • What colors adorn you
  • What the characteristics of your appearance have and how does this affect the selection of colors
  • What is the level of contrast image and why is it so important
  • How to combine colors in clothes
  • How to wear "not your" colors

«Full color analysis»

  • What colors adorn you
  • What the characteristics of your appearance have and how does this affect the selection of colors
  • What is the level of contrast image and why is it so important
  • How to combine colors in clothes
  • How to wear "not your" colors
  • What color hair fits (with examples on your photo)
  • Which color to use in make up (with examples on your photo)
  • How the colors you choose the affect impression

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