Today I share with you one of the my day to night outfits. Why “day to night”? Because I just need to change assessories ( or scarf) and my daily outfit chanes to night one and I easily can go to daiting,  meet my friends in restaurant or visit presentation or concert. In this outfit I just changed simple studs to earrings and ring with pearl and chrystals.


The main rule for me is comfort. Because of job I’m moving a lot during the day and I have to wear cozy shoes.

The main heroes of my look are:

– blouse (H&M)

– jeans (Mango)

– leather jacket (unknown, I bought it in Turkey over a year ago. Made of soft leather and waist accented cut – my perfect purchase!)

– leather belt (unknown, I found it in some little shop with leather accessories)

– bag (unknown mass-market bag. It’s very comfortable for my job, that’s why I like it a lot. But sometimes I put too much things in it and it become very heavy. As all women do 🙂 )

– balerinas (Carnaby)

– ring and earrings with pearls and chrystals (So Chic – I’m in love with this brand!)



And now let’s talk about some details. Jeans and balerinas are same color. Visually it makes me taller, because it creates vertical line and as we know vertical lines make us taller and slimmer, horizontal lines – wider and shorter.


I chose milky color for top because my color direction is Contrast (Bright) and Warm. So using contasts in my closing helps me to make my image harmonous.

As blouse made of light material and straight cut, so I made accent on my waist with a belt. Because belts color is contrast to blouse it creates horizontal line. Girsl with body type “The Circle” and “The Rectangle” hould avoid it as it makes their waist wider.


Well, that’s all what I wanted to say about this outfit. I hope details that I shared with you can help to higlight best parts of your body and make your outfit simply perfect!

My day to night outfit
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