Snow, wind, rain… again snow… sun… again rain and wind… Sometimes weather in Istanbul changes so fast that you don’t understand what you should wear. Everything become grey and the only wish is to wrap yourself in soft warm blanket order viagra now and don’t go anywhere. Don’t fall in a bad mood!
Today I dared to make an attempt to create a list of clothing for those girls who want to be stylish and fashionable during rainy and muddy weather in Istanbul.
– Middle length skirt or colorful slim fit trousers, which you can hide in boots.
– Rubber boots. It will help you to keep foots dry. If you don’t like such boots, put special spray to protect your leather shoes.
– Shirt with cardigan or jumper. You should feel warm and comfortable.
– Windcheater or coat. Perfect choice is a coat with waterproof impregnation like “The North face”. So there will be no need for umbrella and you won’t be afraid to get wet.
– Scarf is the best accessory for unstable weather in Istanbul! If there is wind – shawl will make you feel warm. If there is rain – it could protect your shining hair.
– Wet wipes or sponge for shoes to make them clean any time you need
– Little light umbrella, which you can put into your bag. If you are going to use public transport, don’t forget to put little package not to make yourself or others wet with the umbrella.
To tell the truth, I’m dreaming about chic raincoat, but till now I couldn’t find a good one…
– Color tights. If you like dresses and skirts, you can use not only beige or black tights. Rainy weather is not a right time for boredom and “grey mood”. Be bright! Choose contrast colors to complete your dress and make your mood more positive. For instance, for purple dress you can wear yellow, orange, crimson, red or green tights. For yellow dress you can choose red, blue, green, purple or fuchsia pantyhose. Don’t be afraid to try something new!
– If your hands get cold fast don’t forget to put light knitted gloves. It can be the same color as your trousers, tights, bag or lipstick.
Rainy weather is not a reason for grey-black shapeless clothing! Wear bright clothing and make your mood (and people around you) wonderful!